The Russian market bearing amounts to about 1 billion USD. Consumption growth bearing in Russia is higher than in developed countries.
The dynamics of the rate of consumption of bearings in Russia and the world economy
(Bearing Manufacturers Association)
The share of imported bearings in Russia is significantly higher than in other countries
Naturally, the Russian government will fully cooperate with manufacturers of bearing products in the country, using all available means.
Potential of the Russian automotive industry
Growth in the automotive industry to be 10 - 15% per year due to the following factors:
• the growth in real income and effective demand of legal entities;
• protectionist policies of public institutions (the introduction of protective duties and fees, program to upgrade public transport, park of machines of government, farm equipment);
• Opening of new car assembly plants and manufacturing of automotive components (GM, Renault-Nissan, Ford, Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai, KIA, Volkswagen, FIAT, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Scania, MAN and others).
Potential of the market special bearings
Special bearings are the most cost-effective type of bearing products.
Deliveries of these bearings to order the military-industrial complex of Russia foreign producers are practically impossible.
Russian share purchase bearings by industry,%, 2010:
Aeronautics - 100%
Military-industrial complex - 95%
Railway engineering - 85%
At the same time many experts feel the large potential in this sector of the bearing industry in Russia.
"A major factor in the development of production in 2012-2014 in aircraft building complex will increase the supply of aircraft within the state defense order (3.4 times in terms of money) and military-technical cooperation that will contribute to accumulate resources for the development of civil aviation. In 2012-2014 government support of the aviation industry will make 270 billion rubles.
The development of shipbuilding industry in 2012-2014 will be determined by an increase in the volume of the state defense order (3 times in value terms), the expansion of military-technical cooperation, as well as the implementation of projects in the field of civil shipbuilding. In 2012-2014 government support for the development of shipbuilding industry will be 140 billion rubles. Planned to increase the production of military and civil shipbuilding in 2014 relative to 2010 by more than 70 percent.
Production development of space technology in 2012-2014 will influence the effectiveness of the implementation of the program documents in the field of space activities, the amount volume of financing in this period from the federal budget could be around 500 billion rubles. Space activity will increase produce the spacecraft, carrier rockets, boosters, spacecraft socio-economic, scientific and military purposes, and therefore the index of production the spacecraft in 2014 relative to 2010 will might be 167 percent " (Bearing Manufacturers Association).
Based on a number of factors demand for the Russian military-industrial complex will grow:
Growth in external demand due to the increase in the number of armed conflicts and tensions in a number of countries and regions of the world (Ukraine, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Algeria, Mali, Palestine and Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Sudan, on the Caucasus and Central Asia).
According to analysts, in 2015-2021 in the cost structure of the budget Russian Federation military complex will be the fastest growing as a result of the new state armaments program.
Potential of railway sector
In the medium term, according to the transport strategy of JSC "Russian Railways" plans to upgrade and update the rail car fleet.
(Bearing Manufacturers Association)
The market is saturated enough railway bearings. HARP, EPK, VBF, SKF could produce bearings in the CIS. But now only EPK produces railway bearings. In the long term, will be replacing existing structures railway boxen unit with more modern with the use of bearings TBU. In Russia the bearings TBU are produced two manufacturers - SKF and EPK-Brenco. Starting in 2016, annual production of freight cars with TBU will grow.
(Bearing Manufacturers Association)
Potential of industry sector
Experts estimate, the volume of industrial production for 2021-2023 will be increased by 17% (or 15% compared to 2019). Perspectives development of the industry allow forecasting annual consumption growth of industrial bearings at around 10%.
GKS, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Bearing Manufacturers Association
In the next few years is expected to increase significantly in engineering, which is caused by an increase in the consumption of its products in the energy, mining and metallurgy, and construction.
The ever increasing demand for energy provokes the introduction of new energy capacities and upgrading existing ones. Total investment in the energy sector in the next three years is estimated at 4 trillion rubles.
The stagnation in the global metal market will not allow the Russian mining and metallurgical complex to develop rapidly. After the completion of China's infrastructure projects likely another decline in metallurgy. In such conditions, the development of the Russian mining and metallurgical complex will be determined by domestic consumption in the engineering, construction and pipeline transport.
As we know about 44% of bearings are produced in Russia and other 56% bearings are imported.
Russian economy has hard time but, of course, in long term it will grow.
Real bearing manufacturers in Russia are disappearing from different objective reasons.
There is almost empty area for opening new manufacture of bearings.