We have connected new partner to our international team. Now Seetharam Raichur (99164 04312; nki.projects@gmail.com) and Ashok Doreswamy (98449 15463; ashokd@softx.in) are our Indian partners.
They have their local company (SOFT-X, No.40, 'SRIMATA', 80 FEET ROAD,
SBM COLONY, BANGALORE 560 050, INDIA, GSTIN: 29AAMPA6651P1Z3 ; Website: www.softx.in). Their company is specialised in machine tools and accessories, conveyors, gantry's, robotics, jigs & fixtures, precision machined components, steel fabrication, dies and molds for plastic injection molding, aluminum pressure die casting
special chemical formulations for replacement for TCE and Acetone.